Excellence Is Not An Option; It Is A Necessity.

“Higher than the highest human thought can reach is God’s ideal for his children.” (E.G. White)


We are a Seventh-day Adventist school located in Brooklyn, NY. Our staff is committed to providing quality education in a Christ-filled environment.

Re-Opening Plan

for Hanson Place School - Northeastern Conference School for the 2020-2021 School Year.

Category Items to Include
Total Occupancy   327

COVID Occupancy   215

Classrooms   HPS will establish six feet of physical space between seating in each classroom. Desks will be placed facing the same direction and will seat one student per desk.
The number of work areas and seating areas for employees will be modified so that individuals are at least 6 ft. apart.

Instruction will be delivered in one or more of the models listed:

  1. A return of all students to campus with a variety of adaptations to meet state and local health requirements.
  2. Alternating days for each cohort of students
  3. Full remote learning until January (4 days per week and one day face to face social interaction, Ex. local park)

- General classroom instruction at all level will feature whole group, small group, and individual support During peak times, a staggered approach will be utilized in order to achieve social distancing as it relates to the flow of students in and out of the classroom. HPS will prohibit non-essential visitors to the classroom, to the extent possible.

Dining Halls or Cafeterias   Alternate dining space will be utilized, i.e. students will eat lunch in their classroom until it is deemed safe to eat in the cafeteria. Any initial use of the cafeteria will be for grab-and-go meals.

HPS will adhere to the State’s restaurant guidelines, with the exception of capacity limits, (e.g., single-use condiments, cleaning of surfaces after every diner).

Gymnasiums and
Worship Spaces

Six-foot separation will be maintained whenever possible for both staff and students and efforts will be in place to limit mixing groups of students.
Group singing will be suspended until it is deemed safe to do so.
Whole school chapel will be placed on hold until it is safe to meet together. Virtual chapel format may be utilized.
Per SDOH guidelines, whenever staff or faculty are less than 6 feet from one another or students, they must wear acceptable face coverings.


Outdoor Play Spaces  

Adherence to outdoor play spaces will be used in compliance with existing State Department of Health
HPS will stagger recess times for each class/cohort.
HPS will increase supervision to monitor social distancing, as appropriate.
Students and teachers will wash hands frequently, especially when coming back into the classroom after lunch or recess.
Face masks will be worn during outdoor play.


Spaces Where Other
Groups Congregate

HPS will establish 6-feet of physical spacing in areas where students may congregate, such as in libraries and common spaces/ student centers and with extracurricular activities.
Six feet markers will be established and seats will be placed six feet apart. Notices/posters will also be posted in prominent areas.

Assemblies, field trips, library visits, and special performances will be put on hold until COVID19 restrictions are lifted. However, opportunities for virtual activities will be pursued where these events are concerned.

To reduce bi-directional foot traffic, tape or signs with arrows will be posted in narrow aisles, hallways, or spaces. Posted signage and distance markers denoting spaces of 6 ft. will be placed in commonly used areas and any areas in which lines are commonly
formed or people may congregate (e.g. pick-up and drop off)
Signage and markings will be posted around campus to help students and staff properly social distance.



HPS will host an orientation for students regarding social distancing and other health issues. The orientation sessions will occur on alternate days for different groups/ cohort or will be staggered so as to ensure social distancing requirements are met (that 6-foot physical distancing or reasonable alternatives will be provided).

HPS will adopt an arrival/departure procedures that limit the unnecessary entrance of parents and guardians into the building. Parents of elementary-age children will drop off and pick at the front of the building to an HPS staff.

Students will have designated pick up areas after school to allow for social distancing.


Personal Protective
Equipment (PPE)


HPS will require all students and staff to wear a protective face covering or face mask that completely covers the nose and mouth when on school premises, allowing for certain exceptions.

HPS will notify all faculty, staff, and students they are required to wear masks. Faculty and staff will be provided with masks. It is the responsibility of parents to provide masks for their child/ren. However, a supply of masks will be on hand at all times for those who forget. Students will be prohibited from entering a classroom without mask.

HPS protocols for masks throughout the school day is in accordance with public health guidelines.


Other PPE

HPS will require special groups/ populations on campus (e.g., health care workers, kitchen or custodial staff) to follow any special PPE requirements mandated more generally for those populations.



HPS will install hand sanitizers at entrances to the building, classrooms and dining hall.

Disposable wipes or similar acceptable cleaners will be available in all bathrooms, classrooms and other shared facilities for wiping down surfaces.

Students, faculty, and staff will be reminded to wash hands frequently.
Public, corridor, and office spaces and their bathrooms will be cleaned in accordance with the CDC/ State’s general guidelines for businesses.


In order to promote health and safety and to lower the possibility of infection, HPS is advising faculty and staff to avoid unnecessary travel domestically and internationally during the COVID Pandemic. Individuals will be required to follow the Travel Guidelines as outlined by New York State.


Students and staff who are sick will be required to stay home.

HPS faculty, staff, and students should stay home if they have COVID-19 symptoms, have been diagnosed with COVID-19, are waiting for test results, have been exposed to individuals with COVID-19, or a confirmed or suspected case. They can return to school when they have clearance from a health professional and must submit proof to the COVID Coordinator or school office.


HPS building access is limited in accordance with health and safety guidelines, and visitor’s access is restricted.

Should HPS employees engage in travel, they should be subjected to the CDC guidelines including a 14-day self-isolation.

Transportation Not applicable.



Not applicable (Busing to school is not done for HPS students).

Parents will continue to transport their children to school as before. However, parents will be required to allow students to enter the building alone under the watchful eye of an HPS staff.

School trips that require bussing will be placed on hold until it is deemed safe to do so.

Aftercare is put on hold for grades K – 8.


Part Two: Monitoring the Health of Students, Faculty, and Staff
Category   Items to Include
Monitoring the Health of Students, Faculty, and Staff   Daily health checks of staff and students will be conducted using temperature screening.

HPS has identified an isolation room which will be available should a student become sick or symptomatic at school. This area will be closed off if used by a sick person until after cleaning and disinfecting is done.
Appointment of a
COVID-19 Coordinator
  HPS Principal will be designated as the COVID-19 Coordinator. She will liaison with the coordinators of other SDA schools who will convene periodically during the Fall if needed.

She will also coordinate as needed with State and Regional Public Health Officials.
Protocol for collecting
information about
COVID-19 cases
  HPS will require faculty, students, and staff to notify school official if they have COVID-19 symptoms, are diagnosed with COVID-19, are waiting for test results, or have been exposed to someone with symptoms or a confirmed or suspected case. Such faculty, staff, or student should not come to school until home isolation and quarantine in accordance with the CDC criteria is met.

Such individuals will be required to disclose names of persons whom they have been in contact with.
Part Three: Containment   
Category   Items to Include

A room has been identified and designated as the isolation room. HPS will follow the procedures consistent with applicable health guidelines concerning containment for students or employees who test positive for COVID-19 or have had contact with someone who has.


Contact Tracing  

HPS will coordinate with DOH and DOE for the required training.
Online training will also be utilized for contact tracing.


Part Four: Shutdown
Category   Items to Include
Shutting Down If a Serious
Outbreak Occurs

During a health closure by HPS, no students would be allowed in the school building for instruction. Staff would access buildings for critical purposes, as permitted within health department guidelines. HPS Administration will communicate promptly to staff, students, and families in the event that local health conditions warrant school closure or a change in instructional delivery.


Shutting Down if Required
by Governmental Agency

HPS will follow the instructions of the Governor, or appropriate governmental agency if the Governor determines that a statewide shutdown is required and the school’s consideration/ if NEC schools are required or recommended for closure.


Plan for Continuation of
Program Under Shutdown

In the event of a closure, HPS will implement an emergency model of full-time online instruction for all students.

In the event of a shutdown, all instruction for HPS would be delivered online through enhanced distance learning practices.

These virtual practices would reflect lessons learned from spring 2020 and would include expanded digital curriculum resources, as well as additional staff training.



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